Molecular Mechanics and Force Field References
AMBER, Assisted Model Building and Energy Refinement
AMBER/OPLS, The AMBER force field with Jorgensen’s OPLS parameters
CHARMM, Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics
DISCOVER, force fields of the Insight/Discover package
ECEPP/2, a pairwise potential for proteins and peptides
GROMOS, GROningen MOlecular Simulation package
MM2, the class 1 Allinger molecular mechanics program
MM3, the class 2 Allinger molecular mechanics program
MM4, the class 3 Allinger molecular mechanics program
MMFF94, the Merck Molecular Force Field
Tripos, the force field of the Sybyl molecular modeling program
Comparisons and Evaluations of Force Fields
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